This texts cite from Rudi Hartono, 2009. A Handbook for Translator. Page 27-35. Semarang: CIPTA PRIMA NUSANTARA SEMARANG.
According to KBBI (2005: 899), procedure means the steps of activity to finish an anctivity. The procedure of translation is a step an activity to finish a translation activity. The difference between the method and procedure is on applying. Machali (2000: 62), the method relates to the whole of the text, but procedure is only for the sentence or the smallest unit of language (textual micro units) for example clause, phrase, word, etc.
Molina and Albir (2002: 508), procedure means strategy that is used to solve the problem in the process of translation based on the purpose of tranlation itself. Newmark (1961: 75-77, 1988: 81-82) gives some of procedure but it is not used by the Indonesia’s translator. They are transpositiion, modulation, naturalization, matching and footnote comprehension (Machali, 2000: 63-77).
According to cattford (1965: 73) transposition is a shift or changing; a procedure of translation that involve the grammatical form changing from the source’s language (SL) to the receptor’s language (RL), among others are:
1) Changing or shifting the form, and otomatically that causes by the language system and pattern. The tranlator should do the transposition. For example:
a) Change the plural form of pronoun in English into the singular form of pronoun in Indonesia. Example : the source’s written : a pair of glasses.
The receptor’s written: sepasang kacamata.
b) Repetition of adjective in Indonesia’s from the adverb that explain the subject of plural pronoun in English.
Example: the source’s written: the houses in Jakarta are built beautifully.
The receptor’s written: rumah di Jakarta bagus-bagus.
c) Adjective + noun changes into noun + adjective
example: the source’s written: beautiful women
the receptor’s written: wanita yang cantik.
2) Changing or shifting because of the gramatical structure the source’s language that could not find in the receptor’s language.
a) There is not a position of object in the front part in English gramatical structure except in the passive form, so that the structure in the active form.
Example: the source’s written: we must bring the book.
the receptor’s written: Buku itu harus dibawa.
b) It is unusual, if we put the verb in Indonesia into English except in imperative form. It means the structure pattern is a positive one.
Example: the source’s written: Its usage has been approved.
The receptor’s written: Telah disyahkan penggunaannya.
3) Shifting or changing because of an expression or utterance has the same meaning in the source’s language to the receptor’s language.
a) Changing or shifting Noun/ noun phrase in the source’s language into the verb in the receptor’s language.
Example: the source’s written: to train intellectual men for the pursuit an intellectual life.
b) Changing or shifting adjective noun/ noun phrase in the source’s language into noun in the receptor’s language.
Example: the source’s written: medical student
The receptor’s written: mahasiswa kedokteran
c) Clause in the participal form in the source’s language is written in the receptor’s language.
Example: the source’s written: The approval signed by the doctor is valid.
the receptor’s written: Persetujuan yang ditandatangani ole dokter tersebut itu sahih.
d) Changing of shifting the adjective + noun into noun + clause.
Example: the source’s written: lending bank
The receptor’s written: bank yang memberikan pinjaman
e) Changing or shifting the word classes
i) Noun into verb
ex: the source’s written: it was an arduous climb up the mountain
the receptor’s written: sungguh sukar mendaki gunung itu.
ii) Adjective changes into verb
ex: the source’s written: The neighbours were hostile to the family.
the receptor’s written: Para tetangga itu memusuhi keluarga tersebut.
It’s divided into 2 parts, boun modulation and free modulation (Newmark in Machali, 2000: 691).
1) Bound modulation; if a word or phrase is shown. Foe example,
a) The active form in the source’s language changes into the passive one in the receptor’s language and it is also the passive form in the source’s language change into active on in the receptor’s language.
i) Infinitive of purposes in English
ex: the source’s written: The problem is hard to solve
the receptor’s written: Maslah itu sukar (untuk) dipecahkan.
ii) Indonesian passive construction changes into English active construction.
ex: the source’s written: Laporan itu akan saya sampaikan besok.
the receptor’s written: I will submit the report tomorrow morning.
b) Particular word in the source’s language is tranlated into the general word in the receptor’s language.
Example: the source’s written: society
The receptor’s written: masyarakat (social relationship)
2) Free modulation. It is done because of non linguistic aspect, for example: to make the meaning clear, to make the relation meaning in the receptor’s language, to find out the natural aspect in the receptor’s language, etc.
a) State implicitly from the receptor’s language into the source’s language.
Ex: the source’s written: environment degradation
the receptor’s written: penurunan mutu lingkungan
b) Causal prepositional phrases in the source’s language changes into the receptor’s language.
Ex: the source’s written: We all suffer from the consequences of environmental degradation.
the receptor’s written: Kita semua menderita karena adanya penurunan mutu lingkungan.
c) Positive statement in the source’s language changes into double negative statement in the receptor’s language.
Ex: the source’s written: conflicts are bound to occur
the receptor’s written: Konflik militer tak urung terjadi juga.
Doing translation by transpering and adapting from words in the source’s language into the normal pronounciation, after transfering and adapting into another forms (the normal morphology/ word forms.
Example: - performance (English) performant (Germany)
- estate (English) estat (Indonesia)
- police (English) polis (Malaysian)
According to Nida, naturalization is called borrowing because it borrows the language from the source’s language to the receptor’s language.
Vinay and Dalbernet (1977) classified naturalization into the translation procedure Molina and Albir (2002) classified it into the translation technique and it is called pure borrowing, it is stated by Newmark’s opinion (Molina and Albir, 2002: 501-5005).
Contextual conditioning is placing an information contextual in order to make a clear meaning. For the receptors, for example: to translate an English expression into indonesia. For example: good morning (English) selamat pagi (Indonesia).
Machali (2000: 72) gives an example using inserting contextual explanation with the addition words to make the meaning clearly.
Example: the source’s written: The Mustang was the fastest in the race.
The receptor’s written: - Kuda Mustang itu adalah tercepat dalam pertandingan.
- Dalam pertandingan itu yang paling cepat adalah kuda Mustang.
It is a procedure that used in word translation or an expression lexically into the receptor’s language. For example: sarung, batik, etc, so they need a footnote or note (Newmark, 1988: 91-92), Machali (2000: 72-73), Hurtado Albir (2002: 504) and it is used in etnographic translation.
Example: the source’s written: Doodgerido is a traditional instrument used by Aborigines.
the receptor’s written: Doodgerido adalah alat musik traditional yang digunakan orang Aborigin.
Footnote: Doodgerido is a kind of traditional music, it shape’s like clarinet that the end of part is curve, and the sound like a ship siren which it will be departured (Machali, 2000: 75).
Tags:procedure, translation