Sample Lesson Plan for English Subject


School : Senior High School........
Subject : English
Grade/ Semester : X/ II
Session : 1 st
Time Allotment : 2 x 45 Minutes
Competence Standard : 8. Listening
To respond the meaning of monologue in the of narrative text in the daily life context.
I. Basic Competence : 8.2. To respond the meaning of simple of monologue using oral language accurately, fluency, and acceptably in daily life context in the form of narrative text.
II. Indicators;

- Identify the settings of the tell short story that they have read
- Identify the main characters of the tell short story
- Identify the plot of the tell short story
- Identify the problem arises followed by other problems of the tell short story
- Identify the solution to the problem of the tell short story

III. Teaching and Learning Objectives;
At the end of this learning activity; the students are able to:
- Identify the settings of the tell short story that they have read
- Identify the main characters of the tell short story
- Identify the plot of the tell short story
- Identify the problem arises followed by other problems of the tell short story
- Identify the solution to the problem of the tell short story

IV. Lesson Material;
a. Topic : Narrative Text
b. Source : Unit 7 [page 106-112]
c. Teaching Aids : Modeling of Text
d. Grammar Focus : The use of Direct and Indirect, Pronoun,
Past Tense, Noun Phrases, and Adjectives.
V. Methods
- Explanation
- Discuss in pair work
VI. Teaching and Learning Activities

a. Pre Activity
- Greeting
- Check Present list
- Teacher tell about the indicators that will be reacheed.

b. Main Activity
- Teacher ask the students to listen to the tell short story
- Teacher ask the students to identify the settings of the tell short story
- Teacher ask the students to identify the main characters of the tell short story
- Teacher ask the students to identify the plot of the tell short story
- Teacher ask the students to identify the problem arises followed by other problems of the tell short story
- Teacher ask the students to identify the solution to the problem of the tell short story

c. Post Activiy
- Teacher ask the students to discuss making up a difference about climax and ending.
- Teacher gives chance to the students to ask their problems.
- Teacher gives homework to students for make write a short story.

VII. Source
Th. M. Sudarwati; Eudia Grace, 2006, Look Ahead 1, An English Course for Senior High Students Year X, Jakarta, Erlangga.

VII. Evaluation
a. Kind of the test : an assigment individually
b. Instrument :
1. What the story tell about?
2. Why did Della cut her hair?
3. Why did Jim Young sell his magnificent gold pocket watch?
4. In your opinion, is it a happy or sad ending story?Explain.

Acknowledge by Langen, May 2010

School Principal Teacher For example (English Teacher)

(Headmaster Name) (Teacher Name)