There is componet structure thesis or dissertation paper in geneal on English language based on describe by most writer such Swales and Feak (1994); Evan and Gruba (2002); Hinkel (2002); Hyland (2002); Murray, 2002; Johnson (2002); Thomas 2003; Robberts (2004); Pearce (2005); Paltridge and Stairfield (2007) Adapted from Emi Emilia. 2008. writing thesis and dissertation.
Chapter 1: Introduction
General background
information on the project, the research problem, purpose of study, hypothesis
or reseach questions, scope of study, significance of study, definition of key
terms and Organization of the thesis.
Chapter 2: Literature
General review of
relevant literature, specific topic directly relating to the issue under
investigation, how previous research suggests the study is importan to do, the
gap in the research that the study will fill.
Chapter 3. Conceptual
framework and or Methodology
Research design, data
collection of method is used to write paper, research instrument and
procedure, detail explanation with use 3WH
(who, when, why and how), issue of
ethics and concents.
Chapter 4. Results
The findings of the
study by describe under themes that emerged from the data, under the research
question were used.
Chapter 5. Discussions
and Conclusions
Discussions and
conclusions, which both describr such a restatement of result, discussion on
what found in relation to previous research on the topic, limitation of the study,
implication for future research