Antidiabetic Using Plants Since 1990

Since 1910 until nowadays many plants were known prevent diabetes was referred to as antidiabetic naturally and has been proven empirically. When you mentioned a lot but all plants has hard to find.

Diabetes occurs because of the lack of the hormone insulin in the body, can also occur because the pancreas gland is disrupted, the production of insulin in the body a little performance. Balance blood glucose levels range from 60-120 mg during fasting or less than 200 mg.

Beans prefer eaten at morning, noon, night, and include substance hypoglycemic properties and hypotriglyseridemic hypocholestrolemic. Limited amount of 50-200 grams (raw weight) prefer finished eating. Beans contain calories and high uric acid.

Lagerstroemia purple, In Indonesia, known as shade plants in the country of the Philippines is known as a medicinal plant. Bungur be immediate hypoglycemic effect, similar to those caused by insulin injection. Prof. Faustinus Garcia of the University of the Philippines did not find any compounds that are hypoglycemic, but the existence of insulin-like compounds.

For the diabetes drug is needed and old leaves, ripe fruit that is 20 grams of old leaves or fruit that is ripe, dried, boiled in 1-2 weeks and 100 cc of water (20 percent) equal to 6 to 7.7 units of insulin in lowering blood sugar. Mature leaves, young and has a 4.4 -5.4 Interest Bungur units of insulin in each decoction 20 percent or roughly 70 percent of old for modern or old fruit.

If you want to try to fight diabetes with old leaf Bungur, try the recipe below. Bungur old leaves as much as 30 grams boiled for 1 hour to 150 ml of water to live. Water decoction is drunk three times 0.5 to 1 hour before meals.

Duwet, this fruit resembles a fruit angur has several varieties. The wild is called duwet gravel, because the size of a pebble 1.5 cm in diameter. Duwet while there are several varieties of cultivated namely ordinary duwet (purplefish blue fruit), black duwet (black men), duwet meat (purple fruit) and Duwet onion (white men). Leaves, bark, flowers, fruits, and seeds, all of them useful. In India, the seed extracts are prescribed as a remedy for diabetes. When you want to use more effective seed in the form chose of powder or liquid extract. Mature fruit is astringent and is considered as a remedy for diabetes. But do not be too much to drink and eat the fruit Duwet can make urination difficult.

From this research, seeds have Duwet 5.26 to 6.14 units of insulin. Duwet fruit can also heal wounds that are difficult to kill for allegedly having glucose phytomelin duwet fruit in the seed that is able to reduce the vulnerability of capillary blood vessels. The seeds also can eliminate the symptoms quickly tired and energy less commonly suffered by people with diabetes. Alpha-phytosterol ie anticholesteremic.

Dose use of seeds 3-4 grams per hour, or three times a day in which 30 capsules a day to eat or 7 Duwet onion seeds or 15 seed usual Duwet pounded then boiled in 2 cups water. Water decoction can be drunk all day two or three times a day.

Bay is also proved to have antidiabetic properties. Within this leaves contain essential oil (such as eugenic and sitral), tannin, and bioflavonoid. To make a drug, bay leaves as many as 75 to 100 grams boiled in 3 cups of water up to half. The water is filtered and drunk three times a day and a half glass of each. Bay leaves can be boiled once again tomorrow.

Tags: antidiabetic