A. Introduction

Writing is a means of communicating ideas and information. Writing improves a person's ability to think concisely and clearly. Students learn to organize their ideas in a cohesive and flowing manner. Writing is an essential part of the developing child.

Surachmat, 2010: 74. Curriculum and material development: lesson plan about writing states writing based on competency standard is (a).to respond the meaning in the short functional text and essay such as recount, procedure, and narrative. Writing based on basic competency is to respond the meaning into short functional text such letter, advertisement, invitation, etc. formal and informal with usage writing language accurately, fluently, and acceptably in daily life context. (b). to respond the meaning and step by step rhetorical accurately, fluently, and acceptably in daily life context in the form: recount, procedure, and narrative. (Compare with lesson plan for SMA 1 Baregbeg 2006/2007).

Aim of writing is how student to create and to develop ideas into words which those words are content to give information. The information can be long text message and or short text message.

According to Eric Lenneberg (1967) in Brown, one noted in discussion that writing has specific. In teaching, a teacher should explained punctuation a passage using capital letters, commas, inverted comma (quotation marks), and full stop.

B. Writing Lesson

Donald Gave states creation of the writing process had three steps. From beginning to end, this process includes pre-writing, drafting, revising, editing, and finally, publication.
A teacher should motivate her/his student in writing by means of telling story, pictures, a game, etc as media on writing or genre such recount, procedure, narrative, etc or give task to make short message such vacancy information.

Nowadays, many teacher uses A Genre based approached to teach Writing. The topic can be Event, telling story, A series of Picture, etc.

Aim of writing learning is to understand and creation of ideas to transfer into words, phrases, clauses, paragraphs, etc. On the below are example of media in writing.

Example 1: use a series of pictures

The teacher gives order to student telling story about the picture on the paper.

Example 2: Procedure - Make a Sequence Sandwich
What You Need:
• Bread
• Peanut butter
• Jelly
• Butter knife
• Plate
• Pen and paper

What You Do:
Step 1 From your pantry, gather all the components needed for making a peanut butter and jelly sandwich; bread, peanut butter, jelly, knife, and plate.
Step 2 Tell your child that you are going to read him the directions for making a sandwich, but that they will be all mixed up. He will have to write them down and decipher them! Here's the mixed up sequence to dictate out loud:
• Dip the knife into the jelly jar.
• Eat.
• Close the sandwich.
• Dip the knife into the peanut butter jar.
• Put them on a plate.
• Spread the jelly on one slice of bread.
• Get out a plate and butter knife and put them on the counter.
• Spread the peanut butter on one slice of bread.
• Get out the jelly and peanut butter jars and put them on the counter.
• Pick up a butter knife with your right hand.
• Put away the jelly and peanut butter.
• Take two slices of bread out of the bread bag.
Step 3 After your child has written the mixed up sequence down, have him rearrange the order so that it makes sense. Now it's your turn to get dictated to.

Example 3: Recount
13/53 Alice., Lakemba. 29/10/87
Dear Granpa and Grandma,
Yesterday at my school we had International Day.
We had performances, food stalls, displays, raffle
Ticket draw and some of us were dressed in costumes.

We started our day off with performances but the
One I liked best was the one from fourth grade.
It was about games. The performance I was in was
called Labamba.

Straight after our performances we had our lunch.
There were food stalls. They came from Australia,
Asia, Arabic and Greece.

Everyone had a job. These people were from sixth
grade. I did my job after I had lunch. My job was
to sell International Day Books.

We had displays in the hall.
These displays were good but I did not get to see them.
The displays came from a lot of countries.

There was also a Trash & Treasure stall where they
sell toys. The school got these things by asking the
children to bring them in.

After lunch we had a raffle ticket draw. I did not win
Anything but a lot of people did.

Although I did not win anything, International Day
was still fun.

Love from Hay
Example: 3 Narrative
Genre: Personal Letter
Audience: Friend
Purpose: Inform
Topic: Destruction

Picture 3. Root of Narrative interspersion

Dear friend,
[1] Hey girl... what's up?... I guess I want to talk to you about 'Self Destruction'. Personally, I don't know anyone who uses drugs but I do know people who are hard headed and ignorant. And we both know girls who are always in trouble... Too many girls out there are getting pregnant and using drugs. At the same time, they don't care. And all this stuff about 'colors', you know Red and Blue Chrips and Bloods... That's all B.S. Just another reason to shoot a brother. It's like Kool Moe Dee said, "I never ever ran from the Ku Klux Klan, and I shouldn't have to run from a Black man...cuz that's 'Self Destruction.' It's a serious trip how most violence to Blacks is done by Blacks.
[2] Then there's discrimination between Blacks because of lighter and darker shades. Like when people call me 'white girl' before, of course, I got this tan. I'm sort of glad that I'm not that light anymore. But, I'm still teased by the way I talk because it's too proper. But that's just the way I talk. One night I was talking [3] on the phone to____, my boyfriend, when some of his friends started to talking to me on the phone. Whenever they'd talk to me, they'd assume I was white. The first time they did that, it really made me mad. But I don't get mad anymore. I'm used to it. It gets me mad when they think I think I'm better than them. But I don't think that.
[4] And another thing I hate is drugs. That's stupid too. Drugs ruin people's lives and it's even worse that people are willing to die for them....

Example 4: How to write a good paragraph
Helper Words:
Order Time
first, second, third, etc.

in the beginning





at last


first, second, third, etc.
Example: First, you need to become a leader of a political party. Second, you need to win a seat in the House of Commons. Third, your party must have a majority of seats.
in the beginning
Example: In the beginning, you need to become a leader of a political party.
Example: Before becoming the prime minister, you need to become the leader of a political party.
Example: Then, you must win a seat in the House of Commons.
Example: After winning a seat in the House of Commons, you must make sure you have a majority of seats.
Example: Finally, after all these steps, you can call yourself the prime minister.
at last
Example: At last, you can call yourself the prime minister.
Example: Subsequently, you must make sure you have a majority of seats in the House of Commons.
Example: She was recently elected prime minister.
Example: She is the new prime minister. Previously, she worked as a lawyer in Toronto.
Example: She won the party leadership last year. Afterwards, she won the election.
Example: When she won the party leadership, she was still working as a lawyer.
Example: After winning a seat in the House of Commons, you must make sure you have a majority of seats.

C. Comment

In my opinion, there are a lot of student still have to learn about essay because students still mistake in grammar or build structure. The material about essay should repeat by difference media or topic. The student, surely know what is writing and the significance of writing study.
The purpose of difference media or topic is to make students understand how to write essay, poet, prose, script, etc which creation the ideas as final product.

D. Conclusion

Writing study is essential to understand and to create idea in order that writing to get/ give information. Both information short text message and long text message text is important thing.

E. Bibliography
Eric Lenneberg, 1967 in Brown, H. Douglas. 1994. Teaching by Principle: An Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy. New Jersey: Prentice Hall.
____ 2006. Lesson Plan for Senior High School 1 Baregbeg.
Surachmat, 2010. Curriculum and material development. Galuh University.